2024 Kitten Diaries
3rd January 2025
The kittens are ready and raring to go to their new forever homes. We have a Chocolate Point boy available now.
28th November 2024
Isla's kittens are doing well. They are typical Siamese kittens, lively, affectionate and playful. They have had their first vaccinations and check-ups.
They are all available to reserve but we will not be letting them go to new homes until after the Christmas/New Year period.
UPDATE - 1 Chocolate Point boy available
They are all available to reserve but we will not be letting them go to new homes until after the Christmas/New Year period.
UPDATE - 1 Chocolate Point boy available
28th August 2024
LEXI'S kittens are 12 weeks old and TRIXIE'S kittens are 9 weeks old. They are all together now, one big noisy, energetic, happy family. They are all going together to the vets this week, Lexi's for 2nd vax and Trixie's for 1st vax. This should be fun!
Lexi's Kittens.
Lexi's Kittens.
Trixie's Kittens.
4th August 2024
LEXI'S KITTENS are 9 weeks old already. The time is passing so quickly, they will be visiting the vet this week for their first vaccinations.
TRIXIE'S KITTENS are now 6 weeks old. They are already into everything and have enormous appetites, even stealing their mum's food! They are also becoming expert climbers and love to spend time play-fighting.
Lilac Point boy and Chocolate Point girl are still available, ready to leave late September.
22nd July 2024
The kittens are 7 weeks old, growing fast and becoming more inquisitive and boisterous every day.
6th July 2024
Lexi's kittens are now 5 weeks old and are beginning to develop their own little personalities. They are starting to eat kitten food and litter training is under way! They have moved downstairs to the kitchen now and are already used to the sounds of the radio, washing machine etc.
All the kittens are provisionally reserved.
All the kittens are provisionally reserved.
23rd February 2024
The boys are now 13 weeks old, all grown up and ready to leave for their forever homes.
One last group photo!
One last group photo!
28th January 2024
Paris' boys are now 9.5 weeks old. They sailed through their vaccinations and behaved very well at the vets. They have been meeting lots of new people and love showing off in front of them. Their favourite trick is undoing shoe laces!
18th January 2024
The kittens are 8 weeks old today, getting bigger and more confident daily. Their first vaccinations and health checks are due next week. The Blue Point and the Chocolate Tabby Point are still available.
2nd January 2024
Paris's kittens are 6 weeks old. They have made the move downstairs and adapted so quickly it's hard to believe that just a short time ago they were tiny babies. They have big appetites and are always ready for the next dish of food. They've already learned which cupboard their food comes out of! Litter training was also very easy with these kittens. They really are a joy to have around.
The two Oriental boys are provisionally reserved pending viewing.